A Heart of Gratitude: Holiday Edition

The holiday season is upon us, and if you are anything like me… 

You probably have a running mental to-do list of a-million-and-one things you are required to complete in the next month or two.

You are thinking about: 

  • Your Thanksgiving Menu

  • Holiday Budgeting 

  • Family Activities

  • Christmas Shopping

  • Volunteering Opportunities

  • Holiday Parties

  • New Year Goals

  • And the list goes on and on!

However, before we begin to consume ourselves with the hustle and bustle that this season often brings, let us take a second to…






Let us create a moment to remind ourselves to have a heart of gratitude amid the busyness of this season. 

As a child, especially during the holiday season, my mother would frequently say 

“Melanie, in all things, be grateful. You are blessed beyond measure.” 

This quote among the many other quotes my mom has shared over the years has stuck with me, holding a special place in my heart. A quote originating from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 — “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 

At the time, I used to think that my mother was just lecturing me; however, now as an adult, I’m starting to understand the significance and true wisdom behind my mother’s words.

Having a heart of gratitude isn’t about reaching for the new best thing and hoping that the “thing” makes you happier or working hard to obtain this unattainable feeling of satisfaction in life, family, and work. But, it is a posture. A state of living and being.  It is how you align yourself with being thankful in all circumstances.

It is the foundation and building blocks of the holiday season.

Living in a state of gratitude is focusing on what we have rather than what we lack. It is our never-ending choice to take the time to pause and appreciate the things we often take for granted. Remembering to rejoice always in times of sorrow and in times of joy. Remembering to love our neighbors as we love ourselves while being grateful for those who paved the way and poured into our lives.

So, as we prepare ourselves for this festive season, I ask that you find gratitude in the small things. In the obvious moments and the not-so-obvious moments. I ask that you increase your awareness in your daily routine, practicing gratitude as an action rather than a thought. I challenge you to take inventory of your heart, mind, and soul by taking a moment to think of the things, individuals, or places you are most grateful for this holiday season. 

Let Us Pray:

Dear God, 

As we enter into this holiday season, I ask that you change our posture from a “never enough” mentality to a heart of gratitude. I pray that you help us find gratitude in the small moments and beauty within the chaos. Gently remind us to be grateful for all things as we create special memories with our loved ones. Let our gratefulness extend beyond the holidays, overflowing into the new year. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. 

Happy Holidays from My Family to Yours!


Happy Holidays 2022


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